What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?. Smart work is better than hard work because smart is analyse the problem and finding shortcuts to achieve the goal and success. And hard work is doing labour they did not use the brain and will not get success. In hard work with dedication and effort one can complete work with in a time limit. check more details for how to respond for What is the difference between hard work and smart work? in your next interview… 

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

Hardwork gives you experience.

Smart work comes with experience.

Hard work means: Putting maximum effort and getting minimum Result.

Smart work says: Putting less effort and getting maximum Result.

Hard work means know pain but no gains.

Smart work means no pain but know gains.

Hard work might be the quantity of the world.

However, smart related to the quality.

Thinking in different ways and solving the problem quick is smart.

Thinking in one way and doing the same to get the problem is hard work.

Hard work: knowing practice will make you perfect.

Smart work : knowing only PERFECT practice will make you perfect.

Hard work takes time.

Smart work save time.

Actually, physical and mental both efforts are involved in both the works but in hard word physical is much involved while in smart work mental has its own importance.

Hard work is doing the work without any idea only follow the previous method or rules.

But smart work is the creative and innovatively finished the work in less time by using the brain

Suppose a wood cutter is cutting wood without sharpening his tool for hours that is hardwork and if he sharpens his tool and cuts wood then its smart work.

One can finish the same job in a lot lesser time with smart work.

Hardwork means doing a thing spending lot of time on it. The work is done by using old methods, concepts by which no innovative thing obtained. The hardwork is quantity oreinted.

Smartwork means doing a same thing but spending limited time on it. Here the work is done by modifies the previous methods to obtain innovative thing. The smartwork is quality oriented.

Hard Work is work actively (Body Works).

Smart Work is work passively (Brain Works).

Do work with spending more physical effort and less mental effort is hard work.

Do work with spending more mental effort and less physical effort is smart work

Suppose a wood cutter is cutting wood without sharpening his tool for hours that is hardwork and if he sharpens his tool and cuts wood then its smart work.

One can finish the same job in a lot lesser time with smart work.

Hard work takes strength and time.

But smart work saves our strength and time.

Both hard work and smart work give solution for a particular problem but smart work gives a solution in a minimum time with more brain usage than hard work.

Ultimately, smart work is the best option to save time as well as to improve mental ability/skill/knowledge.

Hard work – It means that you work in a gruelling manner; for instance, spending 10+ hours studying for an exam.

Smart work – Smart work can go hand in hand with hard work. But ‘smart work’ means that you use an efficient method to finish a particular task. For instance, referring the above example, you use a specific method to study for an exam that saves your time, as well as prepares you for it perfectly.

Hard work leads to Smart work.

If you work hard in the beginning you can learn new things, which can help you to work smartly. In hard work your Body leads, but, in smart work, your brain leads.

Hard work: We are using a lot of human effort and less brain effort it’s called hard work.
Here the human effort plays active role.

Smart work: We are using less human effort and a lot of brain effort it’s called smart work.
Here brain is plays active role.

Sir, I would like to give an example- consider if X amount of work is done in particular time then the same amount of work could be achieved in less time with the help of some ideas or modification in process. Which will not only reduces the time and load but also increase s efficiency? And that is the main difference between both.


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